Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to start a new you?

Action research spiral of changeImage via Wikipedia
You are the only one that can change your life . Alot of people let fear take control of them and never progress to the next level of their life. The only way to change something in your life is to take action, without action it will be the same as it was the day before. Start with a plan to make a change in your everyday routine, write it down then start with one action that is different in your life. overweight-change what you eat, that's taking an action. not sleeping well enough change the time you go to bed. not working up to your full potential, collect and organize your thoughts and actions and change them. The power of change is the action, you might just need to do it for you today. This is not that hard but if fear still has you . REMEMBER ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE YOU, NOBODY ELSE CAN. YOU MUST BE READY WILLING AND ABLE. THEN REFLECT ON THE POSITIVE STEPS YOU TOOK. IT'S ALL ABOUT ME MYSELF AND I

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